“Ensuring the Proper Wiring for the Future of Fraud”
ORLANDO, FL – March 7, 2019 – Argos Risk, an industry leader of Third-Party Risk Intelligence (TPRI) solutions, joined panel moderator Avery Miller of Capital One, Bob Michaud, Chief Security Officer of Q2eBanking, and Roy Dotson, Special Agent of the U.S. Secret Service at ePayConnect 2019 this past week in Orlando, FL.
“The panel focused on strategic and tactical elements financial institutions need to consider and implement in order to prepare to mitigate the risks inherent with a real-time, 24x7 payments universe,” said Kevin Sasser, Director of Sales and Strategic Initiatives of Argos Risk. Topics ranging from business email compromise, ATM jackpotting, the latest in cyber-attacks, and best practices for managing a strategic risk management mindset all were associated with effective risk and fraud mitigation strategies.
Their discussion, related to commercial third-parties and payments origination summarized the key to risk mitigation in a world of real-time payments that manual, outdated risk mitigation practices will be an immediate red flag in future payments-related examinations; identifying and verifying account ownership is essential; risk-based customer profiles, with associated risk limits, are imperative to fraud prevention; and in terms of cyber-attacks, the panelists shared the fraudsters are now leveraging bots to organize “slow and steady” attacks.
Argos Risk provides an affordable web-based subscription service that helps companies proactively manage third-party risk intelligence and business viability risks associated with their third-party relationships; including vendors, ACH/RDC originators, and direct and indirect lending clients.
“This conference,” said Lori Frank, Argos Risk President, and CEO, “is a great opportunity to speak at a nationally known payments conference and connect with industry experts and payments professionals.” Sasser added, “the conference panel summarized the future in this manner, we need to change our mindset about risk management, it is no longer an expense, but a strategic imperative.”
About Argos Risk
Argos Risk is a leading provider of Third-Party Risk Intelligence solutions. Formed in 2010, we are experts in Third-Party Risk Intelligence services to fulfill a need for timely and comprehensive risk mitigation knowledge. We provide innovative and affordable subscription services that help companies manage the risk associated with their third-party relationships, such as Vendor Management, ACH/RDC originators and lending clients – direct and indirect and Supply Chain Management.
For additional information, visit www.argosrisk.com.
About ePay Advisors
ePayAdvisors™ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ePayResources™, one of the nation’s largest Regional Payments Associations. ePayAdvisors provides payments risk management, compliance, and consulting services to financial institutions and businesses throughout the U.S.
For additional information, visit www.epayadvisors.com.
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Argos Risk, LLC.
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